Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8

"""Helpers to log your modeling process with oemof.

This file is part of project oemof ( It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location oemof/oemof/tools/

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os
import sys
from logging import INFO
from logging import WARNING
from logging import Formatter
from logging import StreamHandler
from logging import debug
from logging import getLogger
from logging import handlers
from logging import info

[docs]def define_logging( logpath=None, logfile="oemof.log", file_format=None, screen_format=None, file_datefmt=None, screen_datefmt=None, screen_level=INFO, file_level=WARNING, log_path=True, timed_rotating=None, ): r"""Initialise customisable logger. Parameters ---------- logfile : str Name of the log file, default: oemof.log logpath : str The path for log files. By default a ".oemof' folder is created in your home directory with subfolder called 'log_files'. file_format : str Format of the file output. Default: "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s" screen_format : str Format of the screen output. Default: "%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s-%(message)s" file_datefmt : str Format of the datetime in the file output. Default: None screen_datefmt : str Format of the datetime in the screen output. Default: "%H:%M:%S" screen_level : int Level of logging to stdout. Default: 20 (logging.INFO) file_level : int Level of logging to file. Default: 30 (logging.WARNING) log_path : boolean If True the used file path is logged while initialising the logger. timed_rotating : dict Option to pass parameters to the TimedRotatingFileHandler. Returns ------- str : Place where the log file is stored. Notes ----- By default the INFO level is printed on the screen and the DEBUG level in a file, but you can easily configure the logger. Every module that wants to create logging messages has to import the logging module. The oemof logger module has to be imported once to initialise it. Examples -------- To define the default logger you have to import the python logging library and this function. The first logging message should be the path where the log file is saved to. >>> import logging >>> from import logger >>> mypath = logger.define_logging( ... log_path=True, timed_rotating={'backupCount': 4}, ... screen_level=logging.ERROR, screen_datefmt = "no_date") >>> mypath[-9:] 'oemof.log' >>> logging.debug("Hallo") """ if logpath is None: logpath = extend_basic_path("log_files") # Fetch minimal logging level if screen_level > file_level: min_level = file_level else: min_level = screen_level file = os.path.join(logpath, logfile) log = getLogger("") # Remove existing handlers to avoid interference. log.handlers = [] log.setLevel(min_level) if file_format is None: file_format = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s" file_formatter = Formatter(file_format, file_datefmt) if screen_format is None: screen_format = "%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s-%(message)s" if screen_datefmt is None: screen_datefmt = "%H:%M:%S" screen_formatter = Formatter(screen_format, screen_datefmt) tmp_formatter = Formatter("%(message)s") ch = StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setFormatter(screen_formatter) ch.setLevel(screen_level) log.addHandler(ch) timed_rotating_p = {"when": "midnight", "backupCount": 10} if timed_rotating is not None: timed_rotating_p.update(timed_rotating) fh = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(file, **timed_rotating_p) fh.setFormatter(tmp_formatter) fh.setLevel(file_level) log.addHandler(fh) debug("******************************************************") fh.setFormatter(file_formatter) if log_path: info("Path for logging: {0}".format(file)) return file
[docs]def extend_basic_path(subfolder): """Returns a path based on the basic oemof path and creates it if necessary. The subfolder is the name of the path extension. """ extended_path = os.path.join(get_basic_path(), subfolder) if not os.path.isdir(extended_path): os.mkdir(extended_path) return extended_path
[docs]def get_basic_path(): """Returns the basic oemof path and creates it if necessary. The basic path is the '.oemof' folder in the $HOME directory. """ basicpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".oemof") if not os.path.isdir(basicpath): os.mkdir(basicpath) return basicpath